Training & Events

Kathmandu Kora Cycling Challenge

Kora Cycle GHT is proud to support the Kathmandu Kora Cycling Challenge. Kora is a yearly event that was started by Social Tours, a Kathmandu based tour operator, in 2011.

In the Buddhist and Hindu traditions a ‘Kora’ is a circumambulation, done clockwise, usually around a religious structure.  Riders who participate in the event have the choice between three different ‘circumambulations’ of the Kathmandu Valley: a 50km, 75km and 100km.

This is the five year anniversary of the event. In 2011, just 35 riders took to the trails to complete a 50km trail loop around Kathmandu. Together, they raised Rs. 450,000 for charity. Today, it has grown to a massive 3000 rider event. As the number of riders have grown, so has the contribution to charity.  In total, riders have raised over Rs. 5 million. Funds have been invested into upgrading, building and rebuilding birthing facilities, and also health posts.

The next step in the expansion of Kora is positioning it as an international event, and a way to draw tourists to Nepal. GHT is supporting the creation of signage along the trail.  If you’re participating this year, be sure to watch out for our logo on the trail markers!

The event takes place on July 16th and is supported by the following organizations:

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(Photo credit: Gorakh Bista) 

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